Friday, June 18, 2010

And now..the final stretch!

So here we are getting closer to IMATS and everyone is so excited! My tickets came in the mail today! Makeup Magazine (the coordinators of IMATS) were kind enough to UPS my ticket after I realized picking the ticket up at will call might not be such a good idea considering the amount of people that will be there. I was also able to get a better deal on our rental car (5 days for $76.98!) What can I say planning is kind of my thing lol. So now I have to start packing becasue it will be a busy week for me next week.  I've looked at the floor plan and mapped out my route and the damage I'm going to cause. I dont actually plan on spending more than $200, especially since I dont really wear makeup everyday. Makeup is just my hobby not my profession.

According to the ticket information they open up registration a half hour before the show starts. This works out great because our plan is to be there around 730 anyway. Our hotel is about 20 min outside pasadena so we shouldnt have a problem with traffice that early (I hope). Ive got my travel folder all set with my flight info, hotel confirmations, and rental car reservation. I highly recommend you all to have a travel folder anytime you travel. It makes things so much easier! My only delima now is whether or not to get a new camera. I have one but it takes crap pictures. I want good pics for this trip since im not just going for IMATS its a vacation for me as well. Hmm..we'll see

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